Show Dates: October 27-29, 2024

BBSA Show 2022: Why you need to be there

New ideas, exciting products and catching-up with old industry friends and making new ones.

Those are just some of the reasons BBSA Show newbies and veterans have told the BBSA’s Openings magazine they will be at this month’s exhibition.

Find out why YOU need to be there by clicking the image to read the article in Openings.

Click the image to find out why YOU need to be at BBSA Show 2022

Book your free BBSA Show 2022 tickets

Our thanks to Chris Rocker (Just Shutters), Ed Blackbird (Deal Direct Blinds), Adam Barnes (Barnes Window Blinds), Kirsty Pluta (Vorbo Interiors) and Nick Pelly-Fry (Grand Design Blinds) for their contributions.

Secure your tickets for the British Blind & Shutter Show 2024!

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