Show Dates: October 27-29, 2024

Stand Number 14
Contact Details
Bloc Blinds 26b Station Road
BT45 5DN

Bloc Blinds is an award-winning UK based designer and manufacturer of made-to-measure blinds. ‘Live Simple’ is at the heart of everything we do. It has inspired us to design and develop a series of unique blinds and accessories that easily integrate into your customer’s home.  From a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in the UK, our team of dedicated professionals create precision-cut, made-to-measure blinds quickly and efficiently. Our full range of Roller Blinds, blackout blinds, Skylight blinds, Wooden Blinds and Smart motorised blinds are easy to assemble and fit. The Bloc Out Black out blind saves 43% heat loss with its unique side rails and thermal fabric, saving your customer money.

Want to quote on site and convert at a later date? Are your customers unsure of what blind to order right away?  The Bloc Blinds Trade Portal has a new quotation system which allows quotes to be created and saved for 30 days, taking the hassle out of converting deals! 

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