Show Dates: October 27-29, 2024

Stand Number 6
Contact Details
British Blind & Shutter Association PO Box 232
IP14 9AR

The British Blind and Shutter Association (BBSA) is the only national trade association for companies that manufacture, supply and install interior and exterior blinds, awnings, security grilles and shutters and associated motor and control systems.

The Association takes a leading role to ensure high standards of product, service and fair trading throughout the trade. Each member must adhere to a Code of Practice and is kept updated with changes to standards, requirements and best practice via regular communications.

The BBSA is the single largest source of information covering the solar shading industry and the sections of this website will demonstrate the benefits of the products the industry offers along with the advantages of using a BBSA member.

The BBSA organises the BBSA Show and we will have a stand to give visitorsĀ an insight into the work the association does on a daily basis. Come and see usĀ to find out more about how becoming a member can benefit you and your customers. You can find out more and apply for membership anytime here.

Already a BBSA member? Please come and say hello and find out what the BBSA has been doing for its members over the past year.

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