Show Dates: October 27-29, 2024

Stand Number 3
Contact Details
C&C Trade Shutters Quayside Road
Basin Road South
BN41 1WF

Part of TCMM Shutter Group, based in Brighton & Hove, we pride ourselves on offering luxury interior plantation shutters and unrivalled Customer Service.

Our model is based upon strong partnerships with some of the world’s best shutter manufacturers. We believe that top class manufacturing facilities and the ability to consistently deliver the highest quality product and service to go hand in hand. That’s why we are heavily involved in the manufacturing stage, enabling us to supply a range of shutters that meet our high standards and set us apart from the competition. With a diverse offering including premium Hardwood and UK Made PV, C&C Trade Shutters has a shutter to meet the needs of every customer, whether it be in terms of budget, material, style or lead time.

Secure your tickets for the British Blind & Shutter Show 2024!

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