Show Dates: October 27-29, 2024

Stand Number S22
Contact Details
Deponti Ltd Unit 1 Midland Trading Estate
Consul Road
CV21 1PB

In 2011 Deponti was founded. Starting with one aluminum system, a warehouse of 1.000m2 and an endless enthusiasm, Deponti has grown into a strong and healthy company with dozens of employees, a distribution center of 15.000m2 and hundreds of sales partners throughout the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany , France, Denmark, Sweden, Poland and the UK. Full of ambition and determination, together with our Deponti partners we carry out our message every day!

Deponti wants the best at home for everyone. Deponti designs, develops and sells aluminum verandas, louvered roofs, folding roofs and glass sliding doors. We work with high-quality products focused on a very long lifespan and have a high demands for quality.

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