Show Dates: October 27-29, 2024

Stand Number S29
Contact Details
Hangzhou Wistar Mechanical & Electric Technology Co No. 290 Renliang Road
Yuhang District

Products and services trusted by users around the world

Hangzhou Wistar Mechanical & Electric Technology Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise of technical innovation, a global leader providing professional solutions in the intelligent electric system. Headquartered in Hangzhou, Wistar is a garden-type factory with a construction area of 50,000 square meters. Engaged in R & D, designing, manufacturing, and after-sales services, it specializes in various types of intelligent electric systems: tubular motors, curtain motors, clothes rack motors, window actuator motors, and related intelligent control systems. We provide ODM tailor-made R & D and customized services for global users, and the products are exported to more than 80 countries and regions.

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