Show Dates: October 27-29, 2024

Stand Number 26
Contact Details
Lienesch Unit 2
Hunslet Trading Estate
LS10 1BL

Lienesch develops and supplies decorative and functional fabrics for indoor sun protection and window decorations. In developing our products we aim at creating fabrics that combine high quality with a natural ‘textile feeling’. For us, creating fabrics is a way of life. As a producer of window decoration fabrics we have more than 20 years of experience. Thanks to our knowledge of fabrics, continuous innovation and close relationships with our customers, suppliers and partners, we are able to provide the market with high-quality innovative and inspiring collections. Our focus on quality, personal contact and our passion for textiles make us unique. We supply pleated fabrics and Honeycell® cellular fabrics for the domestic market. Avaliable in full boxes and as cut-lengths from our warehouse in Leeds.

Our functional fabrics (screen fabrics and roller fabrics)  help architects focus on the form and function of a building. The Lienesch-Style is inspired by function.

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