Show Dates: October 27-29, 2024

Stand Number S32
Contact Details
Pavilion Textiles 17 Gate Lodge Close
Round Spinney Industrial Estate

UK stocked Voile & Sheer fabrics & Made to Measure Sheer curtain manufacture.

Established in 1989, Pavilion Textiles is a leading supplier of Voile & Sheer fabrics to the UK residential and contract markets.

Approximately 250,000 metres of Voile & Sheer fabrics held in our Northampton factory along with in-house Made to Measure Sheer curtain production, lead weighted with a variety of headings. Textures, embroidery, extra wide fabrics for longer drops when railroaded and for awkward apex windows, natural and man-made fibres, digital print, jacquard weaves, colours, rotary print and fil coupes for all levels of the residential market and inherently FR qualities for the hospitality and healthcare sectors.

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