Show Dates: October 27-29, 2024

Stand Number 22
Contact Details
Perfa Unit 5
Joe Pole Storage
Claycliffe Road
S75 1HS

Perfa is a made-to-measure blinds manufacturer for the blinds trade industry in the UK. What started initially as a local family-run business based in Yorkshire, has quickly grown to a trade-only oriented section of the company.

We specialise in Day & Night and Pleated blinds, utilising the best in the industry standards and suppliers - bringing our customers an unbeatable platform allowing them to grow their businesses locally.

You can utilise the fabrics from Top Window Covering, Louvolite, Decora, Eclipse and Lienesch and systems from Besta, Louvolite, Benthin and Eclipse. We are also experts in motorisation, giving you access to the best solutions on the market from Somfy, Brel-Home, Ellard, One-Touch, Powershade and ShadeFlow.

So if you're looking for a reliable supplier of made-to-measure blinds, make sure you get in touch on 0800 488 0206 to discuss your options.

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