Show Dates: October 27-29, 2024

Stand Number 15
Contact Details
Stelor 1 Ferguson Drive
Northern Ireland
BT28 2FL

Welcome to Stelor, a trade only motorisation provider, where innovation meets excellence and simplicity is redefined.

Stelor is thrilled to announce our official launch in the UK at the prestigious BBSA Show 2024!

Our mission is to revolutionise the window covering industry through innovative motorisation and home automation solutions, transforming how people connect with their homes. 
We are committed to driving the industry's growth by consistently bringing cutting-edge, high-quality products to market, all while earning and maintaining the trust of our trade customers and partners worldwide.

Join us at the BBSA Show 2024 to experience the future of motorisation with Stelor.

Secure your tickets for the British Blind & Shutter Show 2024!

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