Show Dates: October 27-29, 2024

Revealed: Sponsor line-up for BBSA Show 2022

The UK’s only blind, shutter and awning exhibition is now less than two months away!

And, as the BBSA Show 2022 draws ever closer, we’re thrilled to be able to confirm which businesses have kindly agreed to sponsor the exhibition.

External shading specialists Caribbean Blinds are the headline sponsor of the exhibition.

The Suffolk-based business manufacture external shading systems that deliver energy saving benefits, cutting edge design, with strength and durability to ensure the products stand the test of time.

Visit Caribbean Blinds on stand 23 at the BBSA Show. Read more here.

BlindMatrix provide software for the window shading industry which is designed to promote faster and more accurate engagement and communication, without the need for the manual re-entry of data.

Visit Blind Matrix on stand S7 at the BBSA Show. Read more here.

Louvolite are one of the largest designers and manufacturers of quality components fabrics for luxury window blinds in the world.

With head offices in the UK, Canada, and Australia, Louvolite are a recognised leading supplier of innovative and high-quality products manufactured in the UK and supplied to more than 100 countries.

Visit Louvolite on stand 7 at the BBSA Show.

Secure your tickets for the British Blind & Shutter Show 2024!

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