Show Dates: October 27-29, 2024

Unlocking success: The power of BBSA membership
Unlocking success: The power of BBSA membership
Lee Farthing

Ever wondered what it means to be a member of the BBSA or what benefits your business would be entitled to? Then make sure you join Lee for an insightful seminar on the transformative benefits of BBSA membership.

From discounted training courses, continuous professional development, savings on energy, ways to win more business, simple options of consumer credit to discounts on computers.

What’s more, BBSA members save up to £3,000 on their member benefits! So, membership really does pays for itself.

BBSA membership numbers keep rising. Don’t miss out, now’s the time to join the UK’s only trade association for your industry.

Day: Sunday

Time: 15:30-16:00

Type: Insight

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